홈 > CCAiD > 연구업적


Nonimmunity against hepatitis B virus infection in patients newly diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease.

eo SJ, Lee HS, Jang BI, Kim ES, Jeon SW, Kim SK, Kim KO, Lee YJ, Lee HJ, Park KS, Jung YJ, Kim EY, Yang CH; Crohn's and Colitis Association in Daegu-Gyeongbuk (CCAiD).
Intest Res. 2018 Jul;16(3):400-408. doi: 10.5217/ir.2018.16.3.400. Epub 2018 Jul 27.

Disease Activity Patterns Recorded Using a Mobile Monitoring System Are Associated with Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Crohn's Disease.

Kim ES, Kim SK, Jang BI, Kim KO, Kim EY, Lee YJ, Lee HS, Kwak SG; Crohn’s and Colitis Association in Daegu-Gyeongbuk (CCAiD).
Dig Dis Sci. 2018 Sep;63(9):2220-2230. doi: 10.1007/s10620-018-5110-8. Epub 2018 May 19.

Characteristics and management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease between a secondary and tertiary hospitals: a propensity score analysis.

Song KH, Kim ES, Lee YJ, Jang BI, Kim KO, Kwak SG, Lee HS; Crohn's and Colitis Association in Daegu-Gyeongbuk (CCAiD).
Intest Res. 2018 Apr;16(2):216-222. doi: 10.5217/ir.2018.16.2.216. Epub 2018 Apr 30.

Characteristics and Incidence Trends for Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Daegu-Kyungpook Province in Korea: a Multi-Center Study.

Hong SJ, Cho SM, Choe BH, Jang HJ, Choi KH, Kang B, Kim JE, Hwang JH.
J Korean Med Sci. 2018 Apr 12;33(18):e132. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2018.33.e132. eCollection 2018 Apr 30.

Subtherapeutic Infliximab Trough Levels and Complete Mucosal Healing Are Associated With Sustained Clinical Remission After Infliximab Cessation in Paediatric-onset Crohn's Disease Patients Treated With Combined Immunosuppressive Therapy.

Kang B, Choi SY, Choi YO, Kim MJ, Kim K, Lee JH, Choe YH.
J Crohns Colitis. 2018 May 25;12(6):644-652. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjy021.

Long-term Outcomes After Switching to CT-P13 in Pediatric-Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Single-Center Prospective Observational Study.

Kang B, Lee Y, Lee K, Choi YO, Choe YH.
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2018 Feb 15;24(3):607-616. doi: 10.1093/ibd/izx047.

Disparity in Crohn's disease activity between home and clinics is associated with unscheduled hospital visits due to disease flares.

Kim ES, Lee YJ, Jang BI, Kim KO, Kim EY, Lee HS, Jeon SW, Kwak SG; Crohn’s and Colitis Association in Daegu-Gyeongbuk (CCAiD).
Korean J Intern Med. 2018 Jan 17. doi: 10.3904/kjim.2016.387. [Epub ahead of print]

Early Infliximab Yields Superior Long-Term Effects on Linear Growth in Pediatric Crohn's Disease Patients.

Choi J, Kang B, Kim MJ, Sohn I, Lee HJ, Choe YH.
Gut Liver. 2018 May 15;12(3):255-262. doi: 10.5009/gnl17290.

Comparison of 4-L Polyethylene Glycol and 2-L Polyethylene Glycol Plus Ascorbic Acid in Patients with Inactive Ulcerative Colitis.

Kim ES, Kim KO, Jang BI, Kim EY, Lee YJ, Lee HS, Jeon SW, Kim HJ, Kim SK; Crohn’s and Colitis Association in Daegu-Gyeongbuk (CCAiD).
Dig Dis Sci. 2017 Sep;62(9):2489-2497. doi: 10.1007/s10620-017-4634-7. Epub 2017 Jun 21.

A Double-blind, Randomized, Multicenter Clinical Trial Investigating the Efficacy and Safety of Esomeprazole Single Therapy Versus Mosapride and Esomeprazole Combined Therapy in Patients with Esophageal Reflux Disease.

Lee JY, Kim SK, Cho KB, Park KS, Kwon JG, Jung JT, Kim EY, Jang BI, Lee SH; Daegu-Gyeongbuk Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
J Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2017 Apr 30;23(2):218-228. doi: 10.5056/jnm16100.

A wide variation of the quality of colonoscopy reporting system in the real clinical practice in southeastern area of Korea.

Lee JM, Kang YJ, Kim ES, Lee YJ, Park KS, Cho KB, Jeon SW, Jung MK, Lee HS, Kim EY, Jung JT, Jang BI, Kim KO, Chung YJ, Yang CH; Daegu-Gyeongbuk Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
Intest Res. 2016 Oct;14(4):351-357. Epub 2016 Oct 17.

The clinical usefulness of a web-based messaging system between patients with Crohn disease and their physicians.

Jeong da E, Kim KO, Jang BI, Kim EY, Jung JT, Jeon SW, Lee HS, Kim ES, Park KS, Cho KB; Daegu-Gyeongbuk Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Jun;95(26):e4028. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000004028.

The Novel Scoring System for 30-Day Mortality in Patients with Non-variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding.

Hwang S, Jeon SW, Kwon JG, Lee DW, Ha CY, Cho KB, Jang B, Park JB, Park YS; Daegu-Gyengbuk Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
Dig Dis Sci. 2016 Jul;61(7):2002-10. doi: 10.1007/s10620-016-4087-4. Epub 2016 Feb 26.

Patients' beliefs and attitudes about their treatment for inflammatory bowel disease in Korea.

Kim SB, Kim KO, Jang BI, Kim ES, Cho KB, Park KS, Chung MK, Jeon SW; Daegu-Gyeongbuk Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016 Mar;31(3):575-80. doi: 10.1111/jgh.13155.

[Comparison between Endoscopic Therapy and Medical Therapy in Peptic Ulcer Patients with Adherent Clot: A Multicenter Prospective Observational Cohort Study].

Kim SH, Jung JT, Kwon JG, Kim EY, Lee DW, Jeon SW, Park KS, Lee SH, Park JB, Ha CY, Park YS; Daegu-Gyeongbuk Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
Korean J Gastroenterol. 2015 Aug;66(2):98-105. doi: 10.4166/kjg.2015.66.2.98. Korean.

Comparison of scoring systems for nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding: a multicenter prospective cohort study.

Yang HM, Jeon SW, Jung JT, Lee DW, Ha CY, Park KS, Lee SH, Yang CH, Park JH, Park YS; Daegu-Gyeongbuk Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016 Jan;31(1):119-25. doi: 10.1111/jgh.13057.

Old age at diagnosis is associated with favorable outcomes in korean patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

Choi JH, Kim ES, Cho KB, Park KS, Lee YJ, Lee SM, Kang YJ, Jang BI, Kim KO; Daegu-Gyeongbuk Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
Intest Res. 2015 Jan;13(1):60-7. doi: 10.5217/ir.2015.13.1.60. Epub 2015 Jan 29.

Development of a Web-based, self-reporting symptom diary for Crohn's Disease, and its correlation with the Crohn's Disease Activity Index.

Kim ES, Park KS, Cho KB, Kim KO, Jang BI, Kim EY, Jung JT, Jeon SW, Jung MK, Lee HS, Yang CH, Lee YK; Daegu?Gyeongbuk Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
J Crohns Colitis. 2017 Dec 4;11(12):1449-1455. doi: 10.1016/j.crohns.2014.09.003.

Inter-observer agreement in the endoscopic classification of colorectal laterally spreading tumors: a multicenter study between experts and trainees.

Lee YJ, Kim ES, Park KS, Cho KB, Lee MY, Kim SK, Jeon SW, Jung MK, Jang BI, Kim KO, Lee SH, Kim EY, Kwon JG, Jung JT, Yang CH, Kim WJ, Kim HJ, Seo HE; Daegu-Gyeongbuk Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
Dig Dis Sci. 2014 Oct;59(10):2550-6. doi: 10.1007/s10620-014-3206-3. Epub 2014 May 15.

Prevalence of hepatitis-B viral markers in patients with inflammatory bowel disease in a hepatitis-B-endemic area: inadequate protective antibody levels in young patients.

Kim ES, Cho KB, Park KS, Jang BI, Kim KO, Jeon SW, Kim EY, Yang CH, Kim WJ; Daegugyeongbuk Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014 Jul;48(6):553-8. doi: 10.1097/01.mcg.0000436435.75392.23.

Predictive risk factors of perforation in gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer: a large, multicenter study.

Kim M, Jeon SW, Cho KB, Park KS, Kim ES, Park CK, Seo HE, Chung YJ, Kwon JG, Jung JT, Kim EY, Jang BI, Lee SH, Kim KO, Yang CH; Daegu-Kyungpook Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
Surg Endosc. 2013 Apr;27(4):1372-8. doi: 10.1007/s00464-012-2618-4. Epub 2012 Dec 13.

Predictive factors of impaired quality of life in Korean patients with inactive inflammatory bowel disease: association with functional gastrointestinal disorders and mood disorders.

Kim ES, Cho KB, Park KS, Jang BI, Kim KO, Jeon SW, Jung MK, Kim EY, Yang CH; Daegukyungbook Gastrointestinal Study Group (DGSG).
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2013 Apr;47(4):e38-44. doi: 10.1097/MCG.0b013e318266fff5.

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